Intelligent Operation & Control Platform
The intelligent operation & control platform focuses on the fundamental needs of operation management for urban rail transit, aiming to achieve safe and efficient dispatching command and operation control. It deeply integrates individual products such as Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), Rolling Stock Dispatching (RSD), and Integrated Supervisory Control System (ISCS), forming an efficient, collaborative, and fully functional operation control and management platform. The platform comprehensively promotes the digital transformation of operation safety and production from four dimension of safety, efficiency, greenness and economy, leading to a significant boost in operational efficiency by 25%, a reduction of troubleshooting time by 30%, and a reduction of construction and operation costs by 15%.
Intelligent Maintenance Platform
The intelligent maintenance platform aims to improve the operation quality of facilities and equipment, and to reduce maintenance costs. It integrates and manages full-scale data of multiple subsystems, such as signaling, communication, rolling stock, power supply, electromechanical, and civil works, and helps to achieve digital twin of multiple subsystems equipment, fault prediction, health management, process control, emergency disposal, and maintenance decision-making. The platform supports the transformation of maintenance organization from single-role function to composite-role function, as well as the transition of maintenance mode from scheduled/ fault-based maintenance to predictive/condition-based maintenance. By using the intelligent maintenance platform, the number of maintenance staff deployed per kilometer can be reduced by 35%, and overall maintenance cost can be saved by 28%, while the repair time of faulty equipment and the human-induced error rate of maintenance actions are significantly reduced.
Intelligent Station
The intelligent station is a comprehensive and intelligent application that integrates station patrol, station control and train control, achieving the intelligent operation of urban rail stations and better passenger travel service, based on intelligent operation & control platform and intelligent maintenance platform. To support safe, efficient, green and economical operations of stations and hubs, it includes unmanned management of station electromechanical equipment, intelligent energy-saving operation, digitization of station passenger transportation organization and emergency treatment business, intelligent passenger travel planning, guidance and autonomous services, etc.
Intelligent Depot
The intelligent depot focuses on the intelligent operation needs of urban rail depot. It provides comprehensive and intelligent functions that integrate depot management, fully automatic train operation, and integrated dispatching, based on intelligent operation & control platform and intelligent maintenance platform. In addition, it also provides connected and intelligent application services, such as intelligent planning of depot operation tasks, digitization of operation management, process automatization and safety control, achieving precise adaptation of depot operation, mainline operation and train maintenance. This leads to safe, efficient and cost-reducing digital transformation of traditional depot operation and management.
Intelligent Train Control
The intelligent train control aims to be safe, efficient, flexible, economical, and easy to deploy. It can be deeply integrated with intelligent operation & control and intelligent maintenance. In addition to Qiji® TACS, high-performance CBTC system and multi-mode train control system, it can be adapted according to different customers’ needs, as well as the backup solution for "no downgrade in failure scenario" with autonomous safety protection system based on autonomous localization and perception.
Intelligent Terminal
The intelligent terminal aims to simplify and digitalize trackside equipment and facilitate the integration of interaction information between different human machine interfaces for different operators. This includes safer, more reliable, more efficient and more economical integrated PSD, TAPS (train autonomous perception system) with the ability to perceive the track area environment, and the intelligent crew system that integrates real-time communication, information sharing, operation guidance, and crew management functions. All these intelligent terminal products can also be integrated with the intelligent operation & control, the intelligent maintenance, and the intelligent train control to improve the overall efficiency of urban rail transit operation and maintenance.